Adivasi leaders of Telengana state condemned the establishment of Chellappa Commission,which is bound to review the status of Khaiti Lambadas and other castes to take into the list of Scheduled Tribes.If it gets happen,Adivasi people benefits completely hijacked by newer entrants and it will further worsen the condition,the real Tribal people who are still in the dark remote corners of forests without education and development will be as they are though the constitution has provided adequate reservation.Do you know the amazing news that already came to light but to be understood to its depths without any bias.
By enlisting Banjaras or Lambadas in to S.T. Category in 1976
To make it further worse,now in the name of Chellappa commission,some other forward communities are moving pawns.This sends alarming bells and movement snowballing to oppose the ongoing design to excruciate the Adivasis, on last month 30, there was a meeting held at Bhadrachalam in the name of Gondwana sangarshan