Samantha Ruth Prabhu, gearing up for her latest flicks, got bruised on the sets of the web series, Citadel, while shooting for real action sequences. Taking it to instagram stories, the star showcased a picture of wounded hands and blood stains. Perks of action, she cited so. Battling with an autoimmune condition myositis, Samantha is not missing a chance to share inspirational videos with her fans. She shared recently a glimpse of her boxing session. In that, she was practising boxing moves with action director Yannick Ben.She was also taking part in another film Shaakuntalam. This will hit the theaters on 14 April. In fact, which was to be released in the month of February but postponed due to unknown reasons.
This picture will be in Telugu,Hindi,Tamil languages and ace director Gunasekhar is also co producer. The film caption goes like The love that was forgotten, An unforgettable tale of love that remains. April 14 is requested to mark in the calendar as which is slated to get released. Legendary poet Kalidasa composed the epic Shaakuntalam kavyam in Sankrit and which is the base of this film. Almost every ardent book lover knows the romance of King Dushyanta and Shakuntala and the tragedy took place by the curse of sage of Durvasa. Apart from the film, Samantha will be seen in a romantic film KUSHI opposite Vijay Devarakonda.