Last friday in the district of Bhupala Pally of Telangana, a news came up with enough of controversy in terms of Beef and wild boar consumption.The news maker was none other than its district collector Mr.Akunuri Murali ,while addressing a gathering of TB awareness program he called ordinary people to consume non veg whatever possible to have without any inhibitions.He also told them that veg oriented meals is not nutritious comparatively with beef and others.And it was a conspiracy of Brahminacal forces to make people week especially down trodden ones.
Forest department does not oppose when while boars hunted,so make use of it along with beef eating.Some tribals who attended there were also admitted that they were strong enough when used the beef and wild animals in their diet.The news naturally enraged certain sections to submit a memorandum to initiate stringent action against him.Today's papers carried a news that state government has asked him to give answer in the respect.
The weaker sections are also taking their side to support the collector in the issue.It's really a testing time for the state government in which side to be favor .However in a day or two,result will come out.Rants and raves began from both sides to moot the subject further.After bifurcation Telangana state comparatively remained cool in terms of administration.There is hardly any surge from opposition blocks.Let's see how it would get turned in course of time.
When the country cannot provide satisfactory alternatives, it should not meddle with people's food choices.
ReplyDeleteAgree with @Tomichan. Next month we are going to Telangana and we want to try all sorts of meat Biryanis. Feel free to suggest any good food places.